Privacy Policy

Focus ACT Privacy Statement


Where used in this Privacy Statement, the terms “Personal Information”,
and “Australian Privacy Principle(s)” have the meaning attributed to those
terms in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”).

In this Privacy Statement:

any reference to “Focus ACT”, “we”, “us” and “our” includes a reference
to Focus ACT and each of Focus ACT’s related bodies corporate (as that term is
defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth));

“Candidates” refers to users of the Site who register their interest in
employment and provide further information relevant to their application for
employment on the Site;

“Personal Information” has the meaning attributed to that term in the
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);

“Third Parties” means organisations that hold data for Focus ACT or
provide services to Focus ACT, relevant to the employment process and
maintenance of technology systems.


This Privacy Statement has been created because we value the users of
our online portal and recognise their right to keep their Personal Information
private. Focus ACT is committed to maintaining your privacy in the
pre-employment process, using our online portal.

Focus ACT collects and retains Personal Information from online portal
visitors for the purposes of recruitment for Focus ACT. Any Personal
Information collected from you will be used by Focus ACT in accordance with and
as described in this Privacy Statement.

Focus ACT owns and operates the website located at (“the
Site”) which is governed by the privacy policy located at:

Collecting other information on Focus
ACT site visitors


Focus ACT uses cookies to provide Candidates with a better browsing
experience. These cookies collect non-Personal Information such as preferences.

If you do not wish to have cookies active whilst you browse the Site you
can “opt out” by modifying the privacy options in your browser. However, doing
so may affect your use of Site.


Collecting information on Candidates

As part of registering for employment with Focus ACT, we collect
Personal Information about Candidates, so they can be considered for positions
they may be suitable for. To do this, Candidates are required to provide
additional information to Focus ACT, relevant to their skills and experience
relating to positions available with Focus ACT.

Registration of Candidates

To become a Candidate and be considered for employment opportunities
with Focus ACT, you will be required to upload the necessary documents to
complete your application. You will also need to submit some Personal
Information such as your name and email address so Focus ACT can contact you.
If you need to amend your information you can access it by logging into your
profile at any time and making any changes you wish to make to your Personal
Information and application.

Storing resumes

Focus ACT may store your resume and additional
information and use that information when seeking to fill subsequent vacancies.

Online Applications

Making an online application for a job with Focus
ACT requires Candidates to complete mandatory fields (for example first name,
last name, telephone number and email) so that Focus ACT can identify and
contact the applicant. When you apply for a job on the Site, applications,
including attachments and cover letters, are stored in an Amazon Web Service
Data Centre in Sydney.

Candidates have the right to contact Focus ACT to
request access to any Personal Information that they have sent as part of an
application or that has been provided to Focus ACT.

Communications to and from Focus ACT

By registering for employment with Focus ACT, you
agree that we may contact you about employment opportunities with us. From time
to time, Focus ACT may contact you by email or telephone because you registered
your interest in working with us. If you no longer wish to be considered for
future positions with Focus ACT, you have the right to withdraw your
application and instruct us to not contact you further.

When we speak to you over the phone about
employment opportunities, we may record the calls for training, verification
and quality assurance purposes. Any Personal Information collected on those
calls is used in accordance with this Privacy Statement.


Third Parties

Third parties with whom we share your Personal
Information are asked by Focus ACT to comply with all relevant obligations
relating to the use and disclosure of Personal Information that are outlined in
the Privacy Act. Where you are asked by a third party to provide your
information directly to them (for example, following a referral from Focus
ACT), the use of your information (personal or otherwise) by these parties will
be governed by their own privacy policies and is not within the control of
Focus ACT and we cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of these

Storage & Security of Personal

Focus ACT takes all reasonable steps to ensure the
security of our system and to protect your information from misuse,
interference and loss as well as unauthorised access, modification or
disclosure. Focus ACT allows you to access your information at any time to keep
it accurate and up to date. Any information which we hold for you is stored on
secure servers, in Australia, that are protected in controlled facilities.

In addition, our employees and the contractors who
provide services related to our information systems are required to respect the
confidentiality and privacy of any Personal Information held by Focus ACT.
Except in the case of breaches of our obligations under the Privacy Act to
protect your Personal Information, Focus ACT will not be held responsible for
events arising from unauthorised access of your Personal Information. In the
event of a data breach, Focus ACT is committed to complying in with the requirements
of all Australian Privacy Laws.

You can also play an important role in keeping your
Personal Information secure, by maintaining the confidentiality of any password
and profiles used on the Site. Please notify us immediately if there is any
unauthorised use of your profile by any other Internet user, or any other
breach of security relating to your profile.


Access to Your Information

Focus ACT does not collect information that
identifies you personally unless you become a Candidate. In that instance, you
are able to change or update your Profile at any time by logging in to the
’Profile’ area of the Site. At any time, any user is able to request that Focus
ACT deletes any Personal Information held by us by accessing the Site, logging
in to their profile and amending their information.


Data retention

We retain information you provide to us and which
we collect about you, including Personal Information until such time as you
request us to delete your Personal Information.

Feedback and Complaints about privacy
and the Focus ACT website

Focus ACT welcomes ideas and feedback about all
aspects of the Site. Focus ACT stores feedback that users send to us. This
feedback may be used to administer and refine the service we provide and may be
shared with Focus ACT partners either in aggregate form or with specific
identifying characteristics removed.

If you have any complaints about our dealings with
your Personal Information including any breaches by us of any Australian
Privacy Principles or any questions regarding this Privacy Statement you are
able to submit that complaint or query by contacting us at
[email protected] or by telephone or post using the methods
detailed in the “Contact Us” paragraph below.

Any complaints received by us will be referred to
our compliance team for prompt investigation and a written response will be
provided to you as soon as possible.

Should you not be satisfied with the resolution of
any complaints made you are able to Focus ACT further redress through the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see
for further information).


Contact Us

If you have any feedback or questions about this
Privacy Statement, the practices of this Site, or your dealings with Focus ACT,
you can contact us in the following ways:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (02) 6282 9422

Post: 32 Thesiger Court,



Provision of Copy of Privacy

If you require a hard copy of this Privacy
Statement or a copy in some other format to suit your particular needs, please
contact us using any of the methods detailed in the “Contact Us” paragraph
above, and we will arrange for a suitable copy to be provided to you.